AM and PM trip on Tuesday
Decided to start a little further north to find some colder water but still in shallow. Dropped lines around 42.00 in 50fow. Saw a bait ball so decided to drop lines. Still no cold water but not far from deeper water so headed NE. in 60fow started to get big bait balls and a current at the bottom. Surface water was 63 but on bottom was 51. First fish in 60fow coho. Then a steelhead. Made it out to 80 but deeper then 70 the bait and fish marks were gone and no more bites. Turned back and got inside 70fow and started to get bites again. Ended 7 for 12 before the kid got sick and went in. Mixed veggies spoon on riggers down 30 and 5 color produced. Also 00 orange dodger, 2” fly took a few on rigger down 30, dipsey out 75, and 5/8oz on board. Speed was 2.8mph at the ball. Not many drive bys but did have 2 breakoffs on boards with one being a big steelhead.
PM trip was a different lake. Morning had west and north winds but pretty calm. Afternoon winds switched to east and not rough but still different. Dropped lines in 55fow. First hits were a double with a 11lb steelhead and nice coho about 30 minutes into the trip. Trolled around the area and no more hits. Also the bait and marks were GONE. Pushed offshore to 100fow. In 90 to 100 and dropped a laker rod to bottom. Picked up 3 lakers to keep the trip interesting. Went back west thinking the bait may have moved shallower and in 75fow the bait started to show up and in the 60s for last half hour of the trip it was game on with the riggers on the bottom. 6 drive bys, 5 fish, 2 break offs and missed another 4ish. Hot rod for the lakers offshore and that last half hour was a spin and glow. Took 2 lakers and 3 coho. Mag dipsey out 100 broke off something but it wasn’t to big so im guessing the leader was bad. Speed 2.9mph. A few boats were in the same area and my guess is the bite continued.