So interesting story here and it starts last year.
July 27th 2017 was the day that I caught the biggest fish I have seen on Lake Michigan. A 31lb King Salmon!
Now Fast forward to July 27th 2018. Had a group from California. They get on the boat and we start talking about what we are likely to catch. The expressed interested in Brown trout as well but this time of year brown trout are not typically found in the same area as the rest of the species so I offered we can fish for one or the other. They decided to go for the salmon offshore. Well First fish on turned out to be a 22lb brown. Now they are brown fisherman and in California 10lbs is a trophy and the state record is 24lbs so 22lbs just shy of the record fish they see hanging in their local bait shop was insane and to be honest it was giant to me as well. Biggest I have ever seen was 18lbs and biggest that has been caught on my boat was 16. 22lbs is HUGE. A 11 year old boy fought this beast from start to finish. VERY impressive because a lot of guys would have given up and passed off the rod. He did everything right and we were able to get the fish into the boat.
I already marked my calendar for next year July 27th. Who ever books is REQUIRED to bring a kid and hopefully we can keep the GIANTS of July 27th a tradition.