2021 Chicago Charter Fishing Season Has Come To A End

Chicago Charters

Sadly the 2021 Chicago charter fishing season has come to a end. Was a great year for salmon and trout fishing. The customers were awesome as well. AJ and I really had a blast. We are really looking forward to fishing 2022. We should have our 2022 calendar up by February. Thank you all and […]

Almost Out Of Dates For 2021 Fishing Charters

Chicago Charter Fishing 2021

Wow its been a great year for our Chicago Fishing Charters. Great fishing and Awesome clients. Our last day will be October 2nd this year. I think we have 5 slots left for the rest of the year. Our booking calendar is always up to date so if you don’t see the date we don’t […]

Chicago Current Fishing Conditions

Twins Fishing

For those of you hitting up the Chicago area for salmon fishing the fishing has been pretty good. A few bad trips but for the most part we are getting 10 to 20 fish on a 6hr trip. Fish have been in 90 to 140fow and varies by day. Lots of bait from 55fow on […]

2021 Chicago Charter Fishing Season Is About To Begin

Salmon Fishing Charter

Spring and summer Chicago offshore fishing charters are some of my most memorial trips of the year. Offshore fishing on Lake Michigan out of Chicago starts as soon as lake April all the way through sometime in August. Catches this time of year can be amazing. Our spring fishing charters start with big numbers of […]

Happy Holidays and Thank You

Santa Fishing Charter

Wow has it been a interesting year. I would like to thank all my customers for choosing us this year. Was a roller coaster of a year. Harbors stayed closed until mid June but when we hit the water fishing was Awesome. Was so great to get out away from it all and just enjoy […]

Fall Lake Trout Fishing is on FIRE

Lots of Lake Trout 2020

For the last few weeks the weather has made it tough to get out but when we can the Lake Trout fishing in Chicago has been on FIRE. On our fall fishing charters the Lake Trout range from 7lbs to 18lbs with some well over 20lbs. Our Salmon fishing has slowed and as we move […]

Our Fishing Charter Season Has Started

Chicago Fishing View

Chicago Harbors opened Monday. They are allowing fishing charters so we are back at it. Our first Chicago fishing charter was Wednesday. Wow was a great fishing trip. The salmon fishing was amazing. Lots of coho salmon and a few Steelhead, Lake Trout and a king salmon. Was our very first trip in untouched waters […]

Harbors Will Open On 6-22!!!

Lake Michigan Fishing Charters Unhappy

Chicago Harbors FINALLY gave a concrete answer and saying the harbors will open Monday 6-22!!! ABOUT TIME!!! Charters will begin on 6-24. I have LOTS of calls to make so get your booking in as there is a long line of Clients that will now schedule. Thank you everyone for being so understanding and standing […]

Covid-19 Update 6-8-2020

Fishing in Chicago

Been a while since my last update but there has really been no new news. The rumor now is Chicago will open their harbors June 15th but the Mayor will not confirm this. I think for sure they will open by July 6th but if its in June I just don’t know. Illinois is allowing […]

COVID-19 Update 5-21-2020

Chicago Fishing Trip Face

Well things are starting to look up. Yesterday the Governor announced we will be moving to phase 3 on May 29th and that will all up to 10 people per boat where previously it was only 2 people per boat. This will allow us to start running fishing charters again! This announcement did not include […]