Lake Michigan 2018
Well so far 2018 is on a typical trend. Coho have showed up in Indiana and once the water warms they will start making there way north. With the cold weather this week I would expect the coho will start to migrate north and be in Chicago in 2 weeks. Maybe 3. Spring coho fishing can be some of the fastest action of the year. Young coho are known to be one of the best tasting fish in the lake. Only on the great lakes can you get such young salmon and keep them. We have had many days where we are limited out with 30 fish in only 3 hours. We catch many of our spring coho right infront of the city trolling along Navy Pier and inside Chicago harbor. Hard to beat a entire fishing trip with the city skyline right in front of you.
We catch coho primarly with dodger flys and with spoons. The lines are shorter in the spring because we are fishing shallow water which makes it easier to bring in the fish and gives more time to get more fish on. Probably one of the better times of year to bring kids. In our hunt for coho its not uncommon to come across Monster brown trout and lake trout. We are talking 12 to 20lb fish and some beyond that. Fish like that in the cold spring water fight non stop all the way to the boat any in many cases can take over a hour. Lake Michigan is full of surprises when it comes to fishing. The species we typically get though out the year are King Salmon. Coho Slamon, Steelhead (Giant Rainbow Trout), Brown Trout, and Lake Trout. We can somewhat target one species but the reality is anything may bite so its almost always a surprise which makes it much more exciting. Nothing like reeling in tough fighting fish and then all of a sudden grab a rod and the fish you thought was tough is now nothing compared to the monster you have on the end of the line.
Coho Salmon are not native to the great lakes. They naturally reside in the pacific ocean. Often time called Silver Salmon or Silvers on the west coast. They are silver in coho and when coming into the boat they shed some scales and the boat looks like its covered in giant glitter. Very different from the natural freshwater species. Coming up to the boat on sunny days the sun will reflect off their sides like a mirror shining back at you. These fish are raised in hatcheries around the lake and at a year old stocked at several harbors around the lake. We get them when they are just 2 years old. They are a very fast growing fish so by summer they can be massive. Our biggest last summer was 14lbs. They have a very unique fight. They violently thrash around making the rod bounce and pushes the fishing gear to its limits. Salmon have soft mouths and this trashing can cause the hooks to rip right out. Also not uncommon for them to shoot strait out of the water.
Spring Coho Fishing on lake Michigan is almost here and we are starting to book up. If you are looking to book a trip its best to book soon especially for Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.
Tight lines and see you soon
Captain Brian